At Clapham Baptist Church we value unity. As such we are affiliated with several different organisations and charities which you can check out below.
Local churches are at the heart of what it means to be Baptist and all Baptist Churches are free to make their own decisions under God. However, from our earliest days, the importance of working together with other churches has been recognised. Indeed the New Testament makes it clear that Christians are called to live interdependently. Living in isolation is not an option. As Baptists we express our fellowship together at many different levels – regionally, nationally and internationally and this enormously enriches our life together. For more information click here...
The London Baptist Association (LBA) is an association of independent Baptist Churches within the Baptist Union of Great Britain. It exists to serve its member Churches in carrying out their mission as set out in its Purpose Statement and Strategy. Membership by Churches is entirely voluntary. Churches who are considering joining the LBA should read our notes on Joining the LBA. Member Churches are listed in a printed LBA Directory which can be obtained from the LBA Office. You can also find member churches using our Church Finder. For more information click here...
The Hebe Foundation is a Christian Youth organisation that works with all young people aged 13-20 years old to help them discover & use their talents. We provide Young People with a safe environment in which to expand their minds, learn new skills and discover their talents in fun creative ways. We focus on building young people’s key life skills, employability skills and ethical values through quality projects London wide, in response to the genuine needs of the young people and their communities. For more information click here...
Churches Together in Clapham (CTiC) meet together to worship and serve the local community. Please visit the website to give you a feel for who we are and what we do, and you are warmly invited to join us! click here...